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RIDDOR stands for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. These regulations set out when incidents that occur in the workplace must be reported and how this should be done, placing duties upon employers, self-employed persons and those who are in charge of work premises to report accidents and injuries. RIDDOR also covers industrial diseases and dangerous occurrences, which cover “near-miss” incidents that do not cause harm but have the potential to do so. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) provides guidance on reportable incidents including injuries that require staff members to be absent from work for at least seven days, injuries to members of the public and those that require a hospital stay of more than 24 hours.

If your business is investigated by the HSE or local authority on suspicion of having breached health and safety rules you need the right legal guidance to ensure that you can conduct the most robust defence possible. The Regulatory and Compliance Lawyers at Wilford Smith have years of experience representing clients who find themselves subject to such investigations and have a comprehensive understanding of health and safety law in England and Wales. We can provide industry-specific guidance on health and safety issues across all commercial sectors, with expertise in areas including general health and safety duties, construction management, fire and gas safety amongst many others.
Contact our Regulatory and Compliance Solicitors in London, Sheffield and Manchester

Our Regulatory and Compliance Teams are based in London, Sheffield and Manchester and assist clients throughout England and Wales. Contact us today on 0808 164 1349 to find out how we can help