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A conviction for fraudulent trading can result in serious repercussions for any individual or business.

Consequences can include substantial financial penalties and long prison sentences, a criminal record and irreparable damage to your reputation or that of your business, with prosecutors regularly pursuing charges in cases where a defendant has simply acted naively or made a series of poor decisions. In many cases, fine margins will prove crucial as prosecutors attempt to demonstrate that an individual or company has shown dishonest intent. Wilford Smith Solicitors can provide you with the skills and expertise and offer the most robust defence to any charges made against you.

Charges of fraudulent trading will be brought often after a company has failed or been wound up. Traders will be convicted if prosecutors successfully demonstrate that a company was carried on with the intention of defrauding creditors or that business was carried on for a fraudulent purpose. Anyone with knowledge of this fraudulent purpose is guilty of the offence of fraudulent trading. Accusations of dishonest intent require to be aggressively defended. The Fraud Solicitors at Wilford Smith Solicitors have years of experience in successfully defending clients in these cases, and have the required skills, knowledge and determination to ruthlessly develop a top-level strategy on your behalf.
Contact our Fraud Defence Solicitors London, Sheffield and Manchester

Our Criminal Defence Lawyers are based in London, Sheffield and Manchester and advise and represent clients throughout England and Wales. Contact us today on 0808 164 1028 to find out how we can help.